BeReal | The Realest Person On Earth

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BeReal | The Realest Person On Earth

We found the
Realest person on earth

this is a contest about finding the realest person on earth. someone who’s unapologetically themselves. all killer, no filter. doing their thing. whenever/wherever

So yeah, we want to find you and hook you up with an epic prize. plain + simple. srsly. take 10sec, send us your wildest, most spontaneous BeReal and you could win a trip anywhere on Earth. w/ 3 friends. and your BeReal goes up in some of the world’s most amazing locations, including Times Square. NYC. that’s the grand prize. plus 4 finalists get 5k cashhh to drop on whatever you want. that’s itttt.

basically — it’s an epic prize. good luck <3<3

How You'll Win

tbh this is prob the easiest contest to enter and win. send us your WILDEST, RAWEST, MOST EMBARRASSING, UNHINGED BeReal.

Make us laugh, cry, cry from laughter, or just stop us dead in our tracks and you could win the 👑.

You can submit up to 3 BeReal. don’t overthink it. Then share it on ur IG story (@RealestPersonOnEarth) or Twitter (#RealestPersonOnEarth).

We’ll also need your name, email, where you live, age, and a sentence or two on why ur the realest person on earth.

You can submit it 👉 here or on Instagram @RealestPersonOnEarth

Submissions open 📅 Oct 4 — Nov 7!

Warning EmojiWatch belowWarning Emoji
WarningWinning this competition may result in UnReal experiences